Tag: IEA

IEA says oil market fragile, cites virus restrictions

The International Energy Agency (IEA) warned the world oil market remains fragile, despite a recent recovery in prices, as tighter restrictions are imposed to curb more contagious coronavirus variants

IEA: Resurgence in COVID-19 cases slows oil demand rebound

Oil demand recovery will take a hit from a spike in new coronavirus cases before vaccine roll-outs and stimulus measures help in the second half of the year, International Energy Agency (IEA) said

IEA: Vaccine impact on moribund oil demand is several months away

The roll-out of vaccines this month to combat the coronavirus pandemic will not quickly reverse the destruction wrought on global oil demand, International Energy Agency (IEA) warned

IEA: Vaccine impact on moribund oil demand is several months away

The Paris-based watchdog revised down its estimates for oil demand this year by 50,000 barrels per day (bpd) and for next year by 170,000 bpd, citing scarce jet fuel use as fewer people travel by air

IEA sees new European lockdowns denting oil demand outlook

Renewed lockdown measures in Europe aimed at containing a rise in COVID-19 cases appear set to push the outlook for global oil demand toward the downside, an official with the International Energy Agency said

Pandemic could delay energy demand recovery to 2025

A slow economic recovery from the pandemic threatens to delay a full rebound in world energy demand to 2025, the International Energy Agency said

IEA sees oil demand recovery decelerating for rest of 2020

The Paris-based IEA cut its 2020 outlook by 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) to 91.7 million bpd in its second downgrade in as many months

IEA sees oil market stuck between no major slowdown but stalled recovery

Keisuke Sadamori, IEA director for energy markets and security, assured that the outlook for oil was in the midst of either a second wave or a steady first wave of the coronavirus

IEA lowers 2020 oil demand forecast citing dismal aviation sector

The IEA cut its 2020 oil demand forecast, warning that reduced air travel due to the coronavirus pandemic would lower global oil demand this year by 8.1 million barrels per day

IEA raises 2020 oil demand forecast but warns COVID-19 clouds outlook

The Paris-based IEA raised its forecast to 92.1 million barrels per day, up 400,000 bpd from its outlook last month, citing a smaller-than-expected second-quarter decline